Friday, October 1, 2010

The Bridge | Part 6 |

Friday: Today was hopping, crazy, busy!!! We had five guys putting in the beam. This crew installed the two LVL 24" tall by 26' long. They were HUGE! I loved these guys, they were such hard workers. In addition to the beams, Mom and I scraped more paint, and Owen and Dad removed the remaining kitchen sub-floor. I'm so thankful that my parents worked so hard for us. I was excited they were able to be apart of this process and were able to meet some of the Lincoln Village people. I told Dad..."We know how to rock a house!" Today was a good, good day, and we celebrated the day's work with Cherry Lime-aides for all!!!

| Here's what was under the sub-floor in the kitchen. |

| Here's someone elses idea of "fixing" the problem. Small boards were added to keep the cabinets from falling through the floor. |

| Temporary walls were built before the joist were cut. |

| Here's the crew of guys. Did I mention they were hard workers? |

| These guys lifted the two beams into place. Did I mention they were hard workers? I can't remember. |

| Hector climbed a ladder that had been propped up against the wall. No fear. |

| At this point, Mark made me leave. I told him I was stressed so he made me go outside. I was so worried these guys were going to get hurt but Mark reminded me that these guys are good at what they do. I'm glad Owen took pictures so I could see the rest of the work. :) |

| Both beams installed. We were celebrating! |

| Mission Complete. That's the best looking beams I've ever seen! |

| When I was sweeping, I found these two nails. These were the only two nails like this in the thousands of nails we cleaned up. It reminded me of what Jesus did for us and why we're moving there. I'm going to find a special place for these at The Bridge. |

| My hard-working Dad and me. Mission complete! |

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