Friday, October 1, 2010

The Bridge | Part 5 |

Thursday: Today was a day of preparation. The kitchen had two layers of sheet rock so one layer had to be removed. We finished the bathroom demo and prepared for the wall removal!

| Notice the original ceiling is black from the smoke damage of the grease fire. Yuck! |

| The paint in the hallway and living room peeled off like plastic. It appears this is the result of painting latex paint over oil based paint. It was amazing how much dust can get on your backside has looked like that for five days now. |

| Lovely. |

| Here's Dad facing his nemisis...the concrete tile wall. |

| Here's me taking a crack at it. Dad went high and I went low. You have no idea how being short hinders using a sledge-hammer on tile. |

| Here's the final product when everything was removed. Did I mention there was rot? |

|Seriously...the pipe for the toilet is rusted. That means liquid was coming out and that is totally disgusting! |

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