Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Updates: Humpty Dumpty

It seems like we're heading downhill now in regards to the construction. We've addressed all the plumbing, electrical, and foundation repairs so now it's time to put Humpty Dumpty back together again!

The sub-floor, drywall, and tile has been installed....

Before Grout

After Grout

The cabinets are in the process of being installed and there ARE A LOT OF THEM! Geesh!

Storing Them (Before Install)

See there are A LOT of them!

Here's my cute, new front door...

Here's the hardwood being installed...

Blending the new into the hallway

Almost done!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You all are working hard. It's looking great. What is your vision for your family with this move? What has the Lord laid on your heart? (If you don't mind sharing.)
